Homemade Nachos with Philips Air Fryer by Vahchef by Vahchef – VahRehVah
Learn how to cook homemade nachos with Philips Air Fryer by Sanjay Thumma. Now you can make Oil free crispy Nachos in just few minutes.
Sweet corn 1/2 Cup
All-purpose flour 1 Cup
Salt 1 0
Chilli powder 1/2 Teaspoons
Butter 1 Tablespoons
Water 1/2 Cup
Directions: Add little water to the freshly sweet corn and grind to a fine paste. 2. In a bowl, add all-purpose flour, salt, chilli powder, butter and combine the ingredients well. 3. Add the sweet corn puree and mix well. Knead to make stiff dough. 4. Preheat the Airfryer at 180 degree C for 3 minutes. 5. Dust little flour, take the dough and with help of a rolling pin roll the dough to a thin sheet. 6. Cut them into desired shapes. 7. Pull out the basket, drop the nachos in the basket and air-fry for 6- 7 minutes. 8. Remove and serve with fresh homemade salsa.
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